i've been trying to post for the past couple days with no luck. but here we go!!
Peterson, wanting picked up!!
Shakira was feeding Samenida some pretend food. (she fed me too!)
some of the girls! aren't they beautiful?
little Dave. he is just precious.
stephania checking things out
Rebecca is happy because she is being held!
i couldn't miss getting a picture of Caleb and Jamesly fighting over a purse.
beautiful Sara.
the boys got some snacks
Hermann is happy with whatever he is eating...
Fritzson and Reece might be tied for making the best faces in pictures.
jonas- happy with food in his mouth!
Daniel decided to put his snack in a cone and eat them w/ a spoon.
justin and sara checking things out in my room.
Jefferson giving a cheesy smile!
Justin playing w/ a barbie. (i wouldn't worry too much Cara, all the boys here do! even the older ones!)
Annabella playing w/ some bean bags
i'm not sure what Jean Baptiste found, but he was apparently excited about it!
Ellie's got a barbie, a purse, and a spoon- she's ready to go!
Hermann and Steeve thought it would be fun to walk around w/ these on their heads
Reece working hard on his building!
Looks like a lot of fun!!!
They are all just getting so B-I-G.
Thanks, Megan! I agree with Shannon. They're all growing up SO fast! There are hardly any babies left.
Yes, Rebecca is always happy when being held. When I would put her down she would turn on the waterworks...love that girl!
Aww, there's my little guy-I've been going into Jean Ba withdrawals!! Thanks for the great pics of all the kids, Megan!!!
Oh, Rebecca! She really does love being held, doesn't she?!? That watermelon outfit brings back sweet memories from my first trip to Haiti.
I was thinking the same thing Cara :o) That's the cutest outfit!
"Love" the picture of Caleb & Jamesly with the purse. Who won the fight?
i think Jamesly ened up w/ the purse...but then i held Caleb, so they were both happy! :)
It's a Power Rangers pez dispenser, of course!
Thanks for the pics Megan!
Thanks for holding him Megan! :o)
Hey Megan, I do love the pictures. That picture of Jeffy is so great. I miss the kids so much. Hopefully I can come very very soon.
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