Friday, March 27, 2009

photo shoot in the nursery...

i wanted a group picture, then all the kids started posing together...

Taina smiling. :) and Nicot doing that creepy eye roll thing...

Stephania was read for some pics...

Kethia was just enjoying her thumb...

Nicot tried to pose w/ Caleb...but Caleb preferred a picture by himself 

there's that smile again

Jean Baptiste and peterson got together for a picture

uh yeah....LOVE this face of Rebecca...

several of them posing together...

Jutane wanted to be in the group picture.  not sure who she was talking to, but she was clearly saying "Vini!!"

and one last shot...



Lena Just Lena said...

LOVE this! Great pics Megan. The kids are all so happy. Thank yo!

Kathy Eden said...

Awesome pictures Megan! Thanks for sharing!

Abbie said...

Thanks for the pics Megan!!

CG said...

These are great! That single shot of Annabella is one of the best pics I've ever seen of her- so precious! And isn't it SUPER cute the way Sara has her arm around Becca in the 2nd to last shot?

I have to laugh because just yesterday I told someone that since I so badly wanted them to keep letting Justin's hair grow out they would probably shave him completely bald instead. And today I see that yep, that's exactly what happened! Poor little J looks like he should be wearing a unitard and wrestling boots. I guess I better be careful what I say from now on!

Petion-ville, Haiti said...

yeah, sorry about that Cara!! i meant to warn you... the day i got your message saying not to cut their hair...they had just cut Justin's. but Peterson has not been shaved, and i told them not to, so we'll see... :)

It's Gonna Be Me said...

I can vogue for Megan – a group photo in the nursery is not an easy shot to take!

Great pictures, Megan! Thanks!

livingpurereligion said...

Love it! That is quite a feat. I, too, love Sara's arm around Becca. Too cute.

And Colleen, I'd love to see you vogue:)

Anyone spot Kervens in the crowd? I can't find him. He must have been taking a bath... his favorite thing:)

Anonymous said...

i think a few of them were still napping, Cara. Kervens seems to love those naps, too!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

vouch/vogue - sometimes spell check works against ya....

cathy.troy said...

I wish I could be there pinching those cute cheeks! These pictures made me smile!!! Have a fun day!

Kristina said...

Was Ellie at school or has she been moved downstairs?

Great pictures! these kids are so ready American paparatzi to photograph their hoomecoming! LOL

angela said...

he he he! looks like fun!