Monday, March 30, 2009

you might have noticed, when you ask Daniel to smile for a picture, he usually ends up w/ a big cheesy grin and squinting (if not closing) his eyes.  such was the result of a recent picture. i told him to open his eyes...and this is what i got.  :)

then Jeffey wanted to try it out...


Kathy Eden said...

That's hilarous! But please tell them to causes premature wrinkling :o)

cathy.troy said...

That looks like some of the pictures of Nicot that Bethany brought home. But I loved them anyway!!!

Shannon H. said...

So funny how kids are the same everywhere...

It's Gonna Be Me said...

That looks like it hurts!

Salzwedel Family said...

Yep, you can tell that's Colleen's kid!