Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fun times in the Nursery.


Sarah and Tim said...

Great Pictures Megan!

CG said...

Looks like Becca was giving you some sort of instructions there, Megs. I hope you listened intently, for Becca knows all! She is certainly one of the funniest kids there. Tell her her parents will be coming to visit soon! :)

I seriously said "who is that!?" when I saw that last picture. Me oh my! Caleb has really GROWN!

Thanks for posting some nursery pics. I'm glad to see Peterson hasn't added a third chip to his right front tooth... yet! Hopefully we can make it down there to pick him up before he goes down the slide face-first again. Tell our boys we love them madly, and we're coming SOON to take them home!

CG said...

Oh my goodness. It just hit me. Kethia is already walking?!

Kathy Eden said...

Thanks for the great pictures!!! Wow...Caleb looks like he has grown tons since I left three weeks ago! Please tell "little man" that he can slow his growth down just a tad...and that Mama & Papa will be there soon to bring him & his sisters home!

livingpurereligion said...

I'm cracking up over that picture of Rebecca! That's my girl!

Look at all of that hair on her head!

Roxanne said...

Thanks so much! Give Baby Dave a big hug and kiss for us. He's getting so big and grown up looking.

Salzwedel Family said...

That is the best smile from Caleb!

cathy.troy said...

I can not believe how much the kids upstairs have grown. They are beautiful!!!

Lena Just Lena said...

Love these pics! Thanks Megan!!