Lots of totally coolness going on at the O!!! Thanks for all your work, dedication and help, Megan! You rock, our nannies rock and GOD rocks big-time! God bless all of you for loving the children of Haiti.
...Let the ladies know we will be finger painting and singing songs at the Nanny Training in April. Can't wait!
All the TAs kids are so beautiful. For being stuck in an orphanage, I'd say they're doing alright... Lots of love and good friends around there!
Of course I'd rather see them with their families, but what a blessing to be at TAs in the interim.
Thanks for taking the time to do blog posts a bit more often here lately. It is highly appreciated!
Cara, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!
Lots of totally coolness going on at the O!!! Thanks for all your work, dedication and help, Megan! You rock, our nannies rock and GOD rocks big-time! God bless all of you for loving the children of Haiti.
...Let the ladies know we will be finger painting and singing songs at the Nanny Training in April. Can't wait!
man that jefferson is a doll! cute pictures, megan!
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