Monday, September 29, 2008

the post you've all been waiting for.

Samara opening her birthday gift

and Shakira was excited for her doll as well!

i went to give Justin his new shoes, and sure enough, he was wearing pink flip flops when i went in there.  he's looking pretty good sporting the new Cars shoes!! we'll see what he's wearing today...

and for the party...



and Nata. the good thing about those party blowers--  they don't last very long at all. 

time for cupcakes!! 

Sara licking her fingers

there we go Daniel...that's how you do it!!

Kristina saw these three sitting close to each other, so we quickly scooted them together for a picture!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mama Stephanie and Anchise

Papa, Isaiah, and Jutane having a good time!

Rebecca at church

Shakira all dressed up!

Mama Abbie and Annabella.  Annabella really liked the stickers!

Jeffey lookin' handsome

precious Matu!

watch out, the boys are baking!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

a few.

Jonas and Papa Todd

Annabella and Mama Abbie

one of the Burnett families (well, part of them)

and these were while we were still waiting...

nata playing w/ stickers

Matu was excited. 

Fritzson being silly

cute Reece, very cute. 

Jonas and Ellie all ready for mama & papa

i have more pics of after the group arrived...but they will have to wait...


well, i got these two pics uploaded...but can't seem to get anymore on here tonight. i'll go ahead and give you these though. and the team did arrive, safe and sound!! they even said all their flights were on time and went perfectly...i don't think i've ever actually experienced that for myself, so i'll just have to trust their word that it does happen occasionally! 

Jutane got Daniel all ready to see his Papa, and then she wanted his picture taken!! 

Matu, Daniel, and Jonas waiting for the group to arrive!! everyone was downstairs waiting excitedly.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anchise and Layla hanging out
the kids at church. okay, they don't took too into it at the moment, but they certainly do love the singing.

cute little dave. 

Hermann playing the recorder

mama Lena will be proud- Steeve helping fold some laundry!

yup, i love this picture!

Nata reading a book

Reece, Jonas, and Samara. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

beading, chalk, and other fun stuff.

sorry it's been a few days. don't worry, i'm still alive though. and so are all the kids. here's a bunch of pictures to make up for it. seriously, i don't know what's going on, but these pics uploaded so fast tonight!! i must somehow not be in haiti anymore...that's really the only explanation. 

reece found a lizard that grows when you put it in water. most of the other kids were scared of it though. 

such a great smile jonathan!
sara, jonathan, rebecca, and hermann checking things out down below

fritzson, naitile, and elmise smiling for the camera

sara in the cute watermelon outfit

becca's got her bag packed and is ready to go!

and here's the chalk...on matu...



bethany and matu 


steeve and daniel working hard

hermann having fun

shakira, carrying around part of the slide. she worked hard, too!

mr. good lookin' the plant

bethany. she really does have great hair. 

dave, playing with a balloon. (or maybe the nanny was playing with the balloon)



supper time! nicot and kervens


annabella. see abbie, i don't always get a smile!! :)

some of the nursery group- jean baptiste, becca, justin, anchise, and samara

time for some beads! samara and matu. (and daniel)
bethany w/ her bead necklaces

samara working on one...

steeve, fritz, and naitile

and matu and daniel