Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bakin' a Cake!

Mixing up the batter for the yummy
chocolate cake!
Although it seemed like they were helping in the kitchen, Steeve and Reece were actually working on their reading as they followed the directions to the recipe.
Learning at Angel House is fun!
It's never too exciting to clean up after working in the kitchen, but the boys did a great job washing the bowls and enjoyed doing it, too. Bravo!


cathy.troy said...

Great job boys! Looks like fun.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Very cool! :)

Karen Combes said...

What great teachers they have at TA's! And, lucky families who will have boys that bake great cakes!!!

Lena Just Lena said...


Peg said...

This is wonderful. I truly enjoyed the pictures. Keep up the good work and wishing all angels a blessed holiday season!