Thursday, July 2, 2009

Look who's downstairs!

Stephania has been moved downstairs! This has been such a good thing for her continued development. The older children really interact with her well and provide her some much needed stimulation. Stephy gets to play and practice her standing outside and enjoys all the dancing. The kids talk to her and show her toys and have really embraced her. She is happy, happy, happy! The downstairs nannies are augmenting her therapy at Dr. Jack and Marcia's direction and she is thriving. This was a great joy to see and one of the many fantastic changes that are occurring.


Brandy and Troy said...

Yeah for Stephie!!! She looks GREAT!

Karen Combes said...

Yay Stephania! So happy to see you looking so good and so happy!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Bravo! So wonderful to see Stephy smiling and so happy!

Sarah and Tim said...

I am so happy for her!

CG said...

She certainly looks happy! What great news!

Kathy Eden said...

That is so awesome! She looks great!

Petion-ville, Haiti said...

Oh how I miss her!!!! Thanks for looking to her progress. Waiting to see her walking alone.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

That is GREAT!