Tuesday, July 28, 2009



The children at Angel House, as well as TA's staff's children, had a wonderful week learning about God's love - Veggie Tales style. We had a week of games, crafts, songs, stories, nutritious snacks and worship about the Lord. With a different bible point presented each day, the week's theme *God has made each one of us special* was shared.

The VBS team consisted of 15 volunteers from the States. They spent each morning sharing the theme and assuring each and every child knew God love everyone. There were so many smiles, giggles and hugs - everyone walked away truly feeling God's love and that each one of us is special to Him.

Adoptive families, be on the lookout for some fun Veggie Tales mail coming your way very soon!



Ali said...

Those are realy good pictures!!

Sarah and Tim said...

sweet pictures!

C said...

Love this! I'm so glad that our kids are able to experience VBS. So much fun!!! I am so thankful for all the teams that go to TAs and spend their time loving on all of our kids. Certainly the TA kids can feel just how special they are and just how much God loves them through the hugs and smiles of each team member that goes down! Thank you for sharing!

Kathy Eden said...

Very wonderful!

Lena Just Lena said...

I love love love this....I miss all those kids soooo much. I love that picture of Reece praying. LOVE it. Thanks.

cathy.troy said...

That sounds like such fun!! Thanks for keeping us updated on all the kids. I hate it that it has been so long since I've been there.

Kristina said...

Yeah for VBS!!!!!!!