Saturday, June 20, 2009

IBESR party

IBESR had a little celebration... so Fritzner and I took 5 kids out to enjoy it! --sit in the sun, eat snacks, listen to a voice mumbling stuff (there was a stage somewhere... we just couldn't see it). Oh yes, and the kids got T-shirts and flags.  The kids like (and need) to get out... so we're trying to take some of the older ones out more!  Reece, Steeve, Elmise, Naitile, and Bethany were the ones that got to enjoy this outing. 

ready to go...


Sarah and Tim said...

To bad they weren't celebrating the release of my file from their office!

Glad the kids had fun!

livingpurereligion said...

I love these pictures! The kids looked so cute all dressed up and ready for a day out:) I am so glad that they are getting more of an opportunity to get out and about. That's great!

By the way, Sara... after reading the Post's title, I got all excited wondering if they through a party at the orphanage because someone got out of IBESR:) Bummer that didn't happen, but so wonderful for the kids to have such a great outing!

Jordyn said...

looks like a lot of fun!!!

Kristina said...

Very interesting!

Looks like they had fun!

kelly said...

My baby girl!!! Thank you so much for the time you spend with them and for the pics to share with us!

CG said...

I am glad some of the children are getting out a little bit. It will help them adjust better when they get home! I am still surprised by how many simple excursions are truly shocking to our boys, but then I remember that they really never left the concrete O unless they were sick or had a special adoption-related appoinment of some sort. It's good for the kids to start learning there really is a whole world outside of TAs!