Saturday, January 24, 2009


Lena Just Lena said...

LOVE it! Thanks.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Quite a seamless transition from Itsy Bitsy Spider in to Spanish Christmas carols. Bravo!

Thanks Megan!

Brandy and Troy said...

I loved it so much. Oh, how I miss all of those kids!!!

So good to see Noah. And Beta looks SO beautiful!!!!

I hope to see you all in June. It will not be soon enough!!!!


stacey said...

what it so funny...the kids aren't prompted at all. they just start singing...and go from one song to another. and all the kids are in sync, like they've got a list written down of what order to sing the songs in!! :)


Kathy Eden said...

That was awesome! It warms a mama's heart. Thank you!!!

CG said...

This made me cry happy tears! I will watch it again and again. Thank you so, so, so much! My cup is full. Well, almost. As full as it can be while our boys are still there. ;)

cathy.troy said...

I loved it - Thanks - it is so nice to see them moving and hear them singing!!!

livingpurereligion said...

so grateful. Thank you so much. Great song, too!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Thanks so much, Megan.

This must have taken forever to try to upload onto Blogger. Thanks for your patience and for sharing with us all. You rock!

Petion-ville, Haiti said...

Megan and Stacey,
That was great,thanks.

Shannon H. said...

What struck me was how healthy and happy these kids look. Imagine how much more they will thrive once home! Thank you for taking such good care. Keep up the good fight.

Kristina said...

Ok, that is just wierd watching video with Jonas in it and he is right here beside me!!!!!

And Kathy I think Shakira has Jonas beat in the active department! LOL

Thanks Megan and Stacey!!!