Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank You, Lord, for Bringing the Children Home!

By the grace of God, all 26 orphans who lived at Angel House Orphanage were granted "parole status" visas and allowed to go home to their waiting families in the United States and Canada. Many volunteers and adoptive parents worked hard to achieve this goal for the children after the horrific earthquake which took place in Haiti on January 12th. So many families and friends of Three Angels prayed for the children and their safety. In the end, God heard each prayer. The children arrived in the U.S. in the early evening of Monday, January 18th.

Please visit this link to view a wonderful video created by Missionary Flights International. It was this organization which flew all the children and escorts to Ft. Pierce, Florida to meet with their families. Without the assistance of MFI, these amazing and heart-warming reunions would not have happened.

Three Angels would like to say thank you to everyone who helped bring our children home. Thank you, Lord, for bringing the children home to their forever families!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Even In the Midst of a Storm...

...there is sunshine in these smiles.

God, thank you for the opportunity to see our children during this time of devastation. Please be with the people in Haiti as they ride the wave of effects from the earthquake. Watch over our families of Three Angels and protect them. We love You, Lord, and are forever grateful for you faithfulness and devotion. Please be with Abbey as she takes care of the children, and please bless Megan for her selflessness to check on the children and send these photos to us. Heavenly Father, thank you for sending these sunshines of smiles to us today. In Your son Jesus' name, Amen.

***These photos were sent from Megan Haug, our past Angel House Orphanage manager, today. Megan has been traveling several miles each day, from the mission in which she currently works, to check on everyone at Three Angels. She has been sending updates to us when internet is available. Words can never express the gratitude and appreciation we feel for Megan's heroic efforts to keep us informed.

Much love and prayers to our TA's families in the U.S. and in Haiti,
Colleen Monfils